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Universities and College in Ireland:

  1. Athlone Institute of Technology, Dublin Road, Athlone www.ait.ie
  2. Carlow College, College Street,  Carlow  www.carlowcollege.ie
  3. Institute of Technology, Carlow, Kilkenny Road, Carlow. www.itcarlow.ie
  4. Cork Institute of Technology, Bishopstown, Cork www.cit.ie
  5. University College Cork (NUI) www.ucc.ie
  6. American College ,Dublin www.amcd.ie
  7. Dublin Business School  www.dbs.edu
  8. Dublin City University www.dcu.ie
  9. Dublin Institute of Technology www.dit.ie
  10. Dunlaoghaire Institute of Art, Design& Technology www.iadt-dl.ie
  11. Griffith College Dublin www.gcd.ie
  12. Institute of Technology, Blanchardstown www.itb.ie
  13. Institute of Technology,  Tallaght www.it-tallaght.ie
  14. National College of Art and Design www.ncad.ie
  15. National College of Ireland www.ncir.ie
  16. Potobello College, Dublin www.portobello.ie
  17. Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland www.rcsi.ie
  18. Trinity College Dublin www.tcd.ie
  19. University College Dublin(NUI), Dublin www.ucd.ie
  20. Dudalk Institute of Technology www.dkit.ie
  21. Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology www.gmit.ie
  22. National university of Ireland, Galway www.nuigalway.ie
  23. Limerick Institute of Technology www.lit.ie
  24. University of Limerick www.ul.ie
  25. National University of Ireland, Maynooth www.may.ie
  26. Institute of Technology, Sligo www.itsligo.ie
  27. Shannon College of Hotel Management www.shannoncollege.com
  28. Institute of Technology, Tralee www.ittralee.ie
  29. Waterford Institute of Technology www.wit.ie

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